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Saturday, August 12, 2006

TEN Reason Why Your Blog Cannot Make Much Money!

In this session I want to give you reason why some blogger cannot earn much money with their blog even though they had running it for many years and put their ads.I hope for those blog that have this syndrome.Juz take this action!

  1. Not enough time - when you decide to be a blogger and earn money from your blog,you must at least update a new post once every 2 days.So that people will not become boring to read the same article!
  2. Giving Up too quickly - Most new blogger that want to make money from their blog easily give up if they cannot archieve what they target!So I recommend your the best key is be patient!
  3. Non commercial Topic - some topics are easier than others to find significant income streams for
  4. Lack of writing skills - like it or not, blogging is a written form and unless you are able to write you’ll almost always struggle
  5. Breaking the Rules - some bloggers get greedy and break the rules, either of the ad programs they use or the unwritten rules of blogging
  6. Distractions for the core functions of a blog - many get caught up in one of the many distractions that challenge bloggers and forget to concentrate on their actual writing of quality content
  7. Unluckiness - sometimes a blog’s success hinges on a lucky moment - miss it or fail to take the opportunities that come and you might miss significant rewards
  8. Taking Readers for Granted - I’ve seen a couple of blogs over the last year or so that fell over because the blogger became so self important that they forgot that a blog rises and falls upon whether it’s readers find the blog useful to them.
  9. Spreading self too thinly - many bloggers have the gift of being visionaries (a good thing) but fail to have the gift of realism. The result is that many start things that they have no way of seeing through or spread themselves across too many projects too quickly (to the detriment of all of them).
  10. Lack of Focus - hyperactive bloggers who flit from one unfinished project or idea to another without seeing anything through tend to fail to build sustainable blogs.
I hope this reason may help you in guiding your blog to your success and earn more bucks!see me more at my latest post!-zooltech-


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